USCG Requests Nominations for Excellent in Maritime Security Award

The Coast Guard has opened the solicitation period for nominations of the Rear Admiral Richard E. Bennis Award for Excellence in Maritime Security until March 13, 2020.

Any marine transportation related organization owning, operating, or otherwise managing vessels, waterfront facilities, fleeting areas, or other entity engaged in maritime operations subject to Coast Guard maritime security regulations from January 2018 through December 2019 is eligible.

Award categories are as follows:

  • Port Authority of the Year
  • Company of the Year (Large Business – 50 or more employees
  • Company of the Year (Small Business – less than 50 employees
  • Facility of the Year (Large Business – 50 or more employees
  • Facility of the Year (Small Business – less than 50 employees)

To see the nomination criteria click here.