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Gas Carriers

With new emission reduction requirements, conversion to LNG is one of several potential cost-competitive options. Since 2014, NETSCo has been involved with projects in LNG conversion. Any vessel can be converted where available space exists for the LNG tank, but analyzing vessel stability, the age of the vessel, fuel cost analysis, and charter or shipping routes all come into play before deciding if it is the best course for your vessel. Our experience designing LNG concepts employ both independent and membrane cargo containment systems. Whether you are seeking an LNG bunker barge, LNG ATB, or LNG carrier, NETSCo is actively involved in the developing rules and can deliver a quality liquefied gas vessel design.

Below is a review some of our recent projects:

  • Cargo Containment System Analysis and Design
  • Cargo Handling System
  • Fuel Systems
  • BWTS Retrofit