
Bulk Carriers

NETSCo specializes in comprehensive ship designs that cover a variety of ship types ─ bulk carriers, chemical tankers, bulk cargo self-unloaders, combination and deck barges, product and chemical vessels and cement carriers ─ in accordance to Class Rules requirements and owner’s specifications. Using specialized FEA and CFD tools we can provide cost-effective newbuild designs, conversions, upgrades, and modifications that can optimize the ships performance.

Ship conversion can be an efficient means of getting more life out of existing ships. Our team has over 30 years of hands-on experience with the ability to tailor customer-specific requirements for each unique aspect of the vessel while keeping to the shipowner’s schedule, budget, and operating environment. Whether you are interested in a new design, modifying an existing vessel to meet your requirements, or maximizing the life of your vessel, NETSCo has the marine engineering and architecture skills to meet your needs.

Below is a review some of our recent projects:

  • Self-Unloading Systems Design
  • Newbuild Design
  • Cargo Handling Systems
  • Stability and Longitudinal Strength Analysis
  • Propulsion Systems Analysis and Design
  • Structures Analysis and Design
  • BWTS Retrofit