NETSCo Vice President, Jan Flores, has been asked to speak at the Workboat Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA on December 1, 2017. He will be presenting on, Vessel Efficiency with Hybrid Technology, that will touch on, which technologies fit the needs of the fleet, how economical is the investment, and what are the environmental benefits. Click here for more information about NETSCo’s Hybrid Technology Marine Engineering Services.
The WorkBoat Annual Conference curated by the editors of, WorkBoat Magazine, and the WorkBoat Content Team is custom designed to provide high level education and networking opportunities. The cornerstone of the conference is intensive half-day sessions that allow the participants to dive deeper into the challenges and opportunities facing commercial mariners today. Led by industry experts, the program encourages critical thinking as attendees work through issues, ask questions, and receive actionable information that they can immediately put to work. Register here.