Alternative Energy: What’s in it for us?

The latest issue of Great Lakes Seaway Review published an article Alternative Energy: What’s in it for us? written by Richard A. Mueller, CEO / President of NETSCo, Inc.

In summary of the article, “the technology for offshore wind turbines is changing fast, and the turbines themselves are constantly getting larger, more powerful and, therefore, heavier. This means that Wind Turbine Installation Vessels (WTIVs) need to be larger, the cranes need to lift more weight and reach higher, and the lifting parameters of the jack-up systems need increased as well.

In most cases, these design parameters are well beyond those of existing installation fleet Jones Act compliance notwithstanding. The need for these WTIVs and other support vessels to be available for work is becoming increasingly necessary.

The shortage of available vessels to perform the expected rush of installations . . . means that new, improved vessel designs are needed, and needed quickly to be constructed in time to help bring offshore wind farms online [in the USA] in a timely manner.” To read the entire article click HERE.

See more information about NETSCo’s collaboration with Lloyd’s Register regarding their Jones Act-compliant WTIV at