NETSCo is Proud to Support Bleutec Industries in Offshore Wind Projects

On March 1, 2023 Bluetech Industries released the following announcement to the public:

Houston, TX (March 1, 2023) ─ Bleutec Industries Offshore Wind Services LLC (Bleutec) has received Approval in Principle (AiP) from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) for the designs of its United States (U.S.) Jones Act compliant Binary Marine Installation Solution (BMIS).

Bleutec’s BMIS is comprised of a Pile Installation Vessel (PIV) and a Wind Turbine Installation Vessel Light (WTIVL), and Service Operations Vessels (SOVs), all specifically tailored for the U.S. Jones Act market. These vessels are designed in a modular configuration to facilitate construction in U.S. shipyards. Bleutec’s vessels will be capable of installing turbines up to 22 MW and monopiles of up to 4500T with 15m diameter at any of the U.S. offshore wind developments. BMIS utilizes innovative heavy lifting solutions, energy efficiency technologies and a state-of-the-art dynamic positioning system to enable the safe and cost-efficient transportation and installation of client offshore wind developments.

Robin Bodtmann, Bleutec’s President & CEO said, “Along with our strategic partners, we hope to transform the offshore wind industry through our BMIS with the mission of becoming the premier provider of Jones Act transportation and installation for this market. This is a key milestone for the Company and Bleutec will continue to work closely with NETSCo and ABS to achieve class designation for the construction of our innovative system developed for the
installation of clean energy in the U.S.”

NETSCo Vice President, Jan Flores, Bleutec’s appointed naval architect and marine engineer commented: “This solution uses as its basis an American-made model incorporating simple design techniques from similar vessels already built and operating in the U.S. This is a significant development for offshore wind as it paves the way for the use of safe, efficient, cost effective Jones Act vessel solutions to this emergent industry.”

ABS, Vice President Greg Lennon stated, “The Bleutec solution integrates a number of known technologies into a systematic approach in the offshore wind supply chain. ABS is pleased to support their vessel designs and the incorporation of technologies to support the rapidly growing U.S. market with multiple projects advancing in permitting.

About Bleutec Industries
Bleutec’s mission is to bring together industry leaders and mentors to garner the collective capability and expertise to deliver innovative, comprehensive transportation and installation project services for offshore wind developments. For more information, please visit

About NETSCo
With over 40 years of experience, NETSCo offers a range of naval architecture and marine engineering services in support of vessel design, construction, conversion, modification, operation support and analysis, and maintenance. This includes detailed structural and mechanical system design, cargo securing and, cargo loading/unloading analysis, as well as regulatory evaluation in support of flag/port state requirements.

About ABS
ABS, a leading global provider of classification and technical advisory services to the marine and offshore industries, is committed to setting standards for safety and excellence in design and construction. Focused on safe and practical application of advanced technologies and digital solutions, ABS works with industry and clients to develop accurate and cost-effective compliance, optimized performance and operational efficiency for marine and offshore assets.