Charging Ahead

Charging Ahead: The prospects and challenges of electrifying Great Lakes shipping in the next 25 – 30 years

The Great Lakes Seaway Review magazine recently released the article, “Charging Ahead: The prospects and challenges of electrifying Great Lakes shipping in the next 25 – 30 years,” co-authored by Richard Mueller, the CEO of NETSCo, and Ethan Trupia, a Senior Electrical Engineer.

The article delves deep into the challenges and benefits associated with the utilization of electric and hybrid propulsion systems in commercial vessels.

One of the primary challenges facing the electrification of Great Lakes shipping is the technological limitations of current battery and electric propulsion systems. While many battery and electric propulsion systems may look similar on the surface, they are unique to each individual application. A comprehensive understanding of a vessel’s operating profile is essential for a successful hybrid or all-electric installation. Accurate sizing of energy storage systems requires extensive knowledge of not only peak power demands, but also the amount of time that power will be required. Given the wide variety of vessel types and trade routes, finding viable solutions is more complex than simply selecting a traditional diesel-driven generator.

Additionally, the article discusses some of the regulatory and operational challenges associated with electrical and hybrid propulsion systems, such as the need to comply with environmental regulations and the potential for reduced reliability in certain situations.

The article serves as a useful resource for anyone interested in this emerging technology and underscores the importance of continued innovation and investment in the maritime industry.

Click HERE to read the complete article.