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Webinar Available on Obtaining COI under Subchapter M Regulations

Understanding Your Towing Vessel Inspection Options

Maritime Executive reported, “Domestic towing vessel operators are now tasked with preparing their fleets to comply with most of the requirements outlined in 46 CFR Subchapter M by July 20, 2018. To reduce the burden placed on industry stakeholders, the USCG has mandated a four-year phase-in period for towing vessel owners to obtain COIs for 25 percent of their fleets each year. The first 25 percent of an owner’s towing vessel fleet must be certificated on or before July 22, 2019, with an additional 25 percent certificated each year until the final deadline of July 19, 2022. All affected towing vessels must hold valid COIs by July 2022.”

Countdown to Compliance Preparing for Certification under Subchapter M

The USCG participated in an American Waterways Operators (AWO) webinar aimed at helping towing vessel owners and operators better understand the process of obtaining Certificates of Inspection under Subchapter M regulations. The webinar titled, Countdown to Compliance Preparing for Certification under Subchapter M included USCG Cmdr. Jennifer Hnatow and Mr. Erik Johnson, from the Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance who participated along with AWO members: Rick Iuliucci, General Manager of The Vane Brothers Company; Bruce Reed, Vice President and COO of Tidewater Barge Lines; and Tessa Seitzinger, Director of Compliance for Marquette Transportation Company. A recording of that webinar, which focused on questions about compliance, enforcement, and the certification process. is now available on AWO’s website.