Ship Structure Committee Releases Whitepaper “Structural Assessment of Aged Ships”

Cover of Ship Structure Assessment WhitepaperThe Ship Structure Committee has released a new white paper on the “Structural Assessment of Aged Ships” allowing the shipowner and/or operator to make operational and repair decisions or to assess the risk of structural failure.

The Ship Structure Committee describes this report as an assessment process to predict the survivability of a corrosion-degraded ship in specific wave conditions. This report “ultimately allows them [shipowner or operator] to understand the risk of, and help minimize the probability of structural failure when operational requirements, budgets or schedule do not permit the full remediation of the degradation. It may also be useful when assessing when a specific hull needs to be removed from service and scrapped.”

The Ship Structure Committee includes members from: the U.S. Coast Guard, American Bureau of Shipping, Defense Research & Development Canada Maritime Administration, Military Sealift Command, Naval Sea Systems Command, Office of Naval Research, Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers and Transport Canada. The Committee continues in its mission to enhance the safety of life at sea. The white paper is available to the public and can be downloaded by clicking here.