NETSCo and Choice are Featured Speakers at the Tugs & Barges Conference

Tugs and Barges Speakers John Dooley and Jan Flores

Jan Flores, VP of NETSCo and John P. Dooley, President of Choice Ballast Solutions will be featured speakers at the Marine Log ‘Tugs & Barges’ conference on May 14 and 15, 2019 in Philadelphia, PA, USA.

The presentation will offer recent updates in regulatory requirements for ballast water management including: USCG extensions, AMS expirations and the transition to USCG Type Approved BWMS, and the key steps to compliance. Additionally, a case study will go through a feasibility study on an ATB and the difficulties faced finding a ‘fit for purpose’ BWMS for this sector of the shipping industry.

To learn more or to register for this event, go to