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Ballast Water Management Regulatory Updates from China and Republic of Korea, Canada, and Singapore

Commissioning Testing of BWMS Starts with Singapore Registered Ships in September
The Singapore Maritime and Port Authority released a circular (Shipping Circular 9-2019) reminding shipowners and operators of the new IMO guidance for the commissioning testing of newly installed ballast water management systems (BWMS) for Singapore Registered Ships (SRS) to begin in September. To read more go to

China Issues an Exemption for Vessels Trading Between China and Republic of Korea
China’s Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA) has issued a notice to its regional offices advising of an exemption to undertake ballast water exchange for vessels trading between China and the Republic of Korea (RoK). Recognizing the difficulty that some vessels have in being able to meet the exchange requirements of the BWM Convention (Regulation D-1 and B-4.1) the two countries have established an agreement to exempt vessels that use ballast water exchange (Regulation D-1) to meet the discharge requirements of the BWMC to undertake ballast water exchange. To read the full text of the notice in INTERTANKO’s English translation click here. Importantly, the exemption only applies to China and the RoK flagged vessels. However, INTERTANKO understands that other Administrations have approached the two countries requesting similar exemptions to be extended to other foreign-Flagged vessels.

Canada Issues Ballast Water Management Standards
Transport Canada issued a news release stating that proposed regulations will implement the international ballast water management standards for Canada, including for voyages on the Great Lakes. Comments on the proposal must be submitted by 5 September. (6/7/19) []

Questions on Ballast Water Management?

NETSCo’s compliance engineers meet regularly with governing agencies, that include environmental groups, ports and state agencies. We actively participate and serve on environmental committees with a number of regulatory bodies that include: The United States Coast Guard; ASTM; and, the American Bureau of Shipping. We provide the most up-to-date information to our clients. If you have any questions concerning ballast water management for your vessel or fleet of ships contact, Rich Mueller at